Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Judge Dale, Ret’d ~ The Missing 13th Amendment

Judge Dale, Ret’d ~ The Missing 13th Amendment

Posted on April 16, 2013 by Gillian
Shift Frequency April 15 2013

On or about March 20, 2013, the New Hampshire Legislature passed HB 638, recognizing Article XIII, known by few as: “The Missing 13TH Amendment,” missing from the organic Constitution of the United States of America. The legislative analysis offered described a trite but secret history of this mystical amendment, which I have encapsulated as follows:

During the American Civil War, the country was under Marshal Law by President Lincoln and after the War, Lincoln’s policies were to be abated and everything was supposed to return to normal but it didn’t happen quite that way. Congress passed the Organic Act of 1871, which created a government corporation within the District of Columbia, called: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. This new government corporation replaced the Municipal Charter for the District of Columbia, a move that egregiously led to the fraudulent rewrite and adoption of what appeared to be the organic American Constitution. This erroneous rewrite is described as a corporate “mission statement” with the original 13TH Amendment “omitted” and it was this Constitutional rewrite that was inadvertently published for all to see.

Members of royalty, PhD’s, lawyers, squires and bankers, “Titles of Nobility,” have left a historic wake of deceit, destruction and corruption behind them on this planet. I would like to believe it was the majority intent of the Founding Fathers and the first federal convention to shield America from those proven elements of destruction and corruption. In so doing they proposed and ratified several amendments, one being Article XIII or the 13th Amendment, specifically designed to bar candidates who held such “Titles of Nobility,” from ever holding a seat in government! Each year since 1871, Lincoln’s Marshal Law has been renewed by Congress and currently, all state and federal governments are dominated by legislators with “Titles of Nobility.” What was once regarded as a service to country is now a political career.

“In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens at all, you can bet it was planned that way.” Franklin D. Roosevelt

The described “omission” of Article XIII [the missing 13th Amendment] and the “mission statement” – the fraudulent copy of the organic constitution – initiates the following ten [10] questions, which I answer as succinctly as I can.

1: How do you “omit” a Constitutional Article when they are all sequentially numbered?

Obviously this is a lawyer’s response by the New Hampshire Legislature because you cannot simply “omit” a Constitutional Amendment. They are sequentially numbered.

The original Article XIII was intentionally and methodically removed from existence, which took a number of years to complete and was NOT simply “omitted.” It required a conspiracy; a federal rewrite; the removal of all former texts and references to the original Article XIII and the domination of all the various state government legislatures by candidates holding “Titles of Nobility,” who would be willing to save their careers at any cost. This was all intentional on their part to complete and sustain its demise.

2: Why didn’t Lincoln’s Martial Law policies abate and the government return back to normal following the Civil War?

The federal government for the American Republic had imploded when the southern states decided to secede from the Union and walk out while Congress was still in session. Absent the presence of those southern state delegates, Congress could not adjourn and could not move forward for lack of a quorum! President Lincoln became the federal law under martial law until a new federal government could be assembled.

3: President Lincoln was a lawyer, a Title of Nobility, and several delegates and predecessors’ were lawyers. How can that be, given that the original 13th Amendment prohibited persons possessing a “Title of Nobility” from ever holding a seat in government and given that the 13th Amendment had not been “omitted” until 1871, during the Lincoln Administration?

The truth is the American Republic never enjoyed a Constitutional government, beginning with the election of George Washington. George took office one year before the Constitution permitted. He subsequently overthrew the organic Constitution reinstated the British-owned Virginia Colony Corporation altered the Oath of Office requirements installed a corporate military government in place of a civilian government and replaced the Common Law with a commercial law known as “Admiralty” or “the law of the sea.” George then declared that: “All of America is now under water!”

George was a 32nd Degree Freemason and a descendant of William, the Prince of Orange, the Sovereign King of America, according to the signed copy of the “Paris Treaty of 1783.” This gave him the notion that he too could become King of America.

We have been taught to think and believe that George Washington was this great military man of honor, a hero and “The father of this country.” If you were a Congressman and part of that great political conspiracy squirreling away approximately three to four million a year, you might be inclined to believe that hogwash. But in actuality George was the first traitor to the American Republic. He was memorialized by Congress in the Washington Monument, a 555 foot tall sea level obelisk, representing that “America is now under water!”

4: Why was President Lincoln forced to declare martial law and exercise Executive Privilege to create policy during and after the Civil War, when martial law was always intended to be a temporary solution?

Martial law was imposed rather than admit that the Union was dissolved. Under martial law the Executive branch executed federal edicts until the Executive branch and Congress regrouped. War was declared as a distraction.

(As an aside) the Civil War was never about the slave question. What we learned in school concealed the truth that the Union was dissolved. Hiding that truth makes Lincoln the second traitor to the American Republic.

I cannot find any evidence to support my belief that southern state governments were a part of this grand conspiracy. However their secession and attack on Fort Sumter was both convenient and timely. And when the southern delegates rejoined the corporate federal government they shared in the fruit of the piracy of American labor and industry.

5: Why did Congress feel the need to renew Lincoln’s Order of Marshal Law, every year since the Civil War?

The federal government has committed an ongoing treason against the American Republic from day one. The organic Constitution would have severely restricted Congress and the President. Under martial law those restrictions are suspended, which in turn grants the Corporate “alleged” President the power of Executive Privilege too create policy without Congressional oversight. Since Martial law can only be invoked during War or during Acts of Civil disobedience, the corporate federal government has obviously declared War upon the American Republic ever since 1781. Hence, their reason to renew Lincoln’s Martial law each year.

By 1933, the Roosevelt Administration passed the Emergency Banking Act. Concealed within this act is a modification of the Trading with the Enemy Act, wherein Congress has declared that the American people are the enemy of the federal government. Also concealed within this Act, Roosevelt dissolved the Virginia Colony Corporation.

6: How could Congress pass the Organic Act of 1871, when the US Constitution absolutely prohibited government corporations?

The Organic Act set the stage for a new federal corporation and prevented the Lincoln Administration from having to disclose to the American public that the federal government was dissolved and never was constitutional, which would have exposed that the Civil War was used as a distraction and Treasonous solution to their problem.

I believe that Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address was completely heartfelt and was the act of a repentant man who felt totally responsible for all the death and destruction that had occurred. I also believe that a guilt ridden Lincoln constantly placed himself in harms way, hoping that he would be dispatched with prejudice.

7: Why did Congress feel the need to create a new Municipal Charter for the District of Columbia?

Had Congress disclosed that secession by the south had legally dissolved the federal government, the American public probably would have demanded that a new Constitutional government be created, with new elections held because of a lack of faith in the previous delegates and that would have destroyed their federal careers; positions of power and visions of grandeur. So the Organic Act was passed and a new commercial corporation created having a Constitutional appearance and reference (ie) United States Of America, under which was concealed the original private foreign Virginia Colony Corporation. Under this new corporation, all of them could profit from the commercial piracy of American labor and industry.

8: Why did Congress copy and modify the organic Constitution to create a “mission statement”?

Congress was better able to maintain the “illusion” of a constitutional government for the American Republic, by using and modifying the organic Constitution as a “mission statement” without officially touching the organic Constitution. The federal officials regarded this plan as plausible deniability and business as usual. All they ever had to claim was that a mistake had been made by omitting Article XIII. Congress’s new “mission statement” can also be easily modified to suit their collective preference without convening a Constitutional Convention. Hence: The adoption of the Civil Rights Act and Tax Laws, etc. were all a corporate ruse. It was the corporate “mission statement” that was actually being modified by all their new amendments and NOT the organic Constitution and this is how it appears lately that Congress has unlawfully repealed several Constitutional amendments without convening a Constitutional Convention. Everything that has happened in government during the past 224 years has been an “illusion” and the original organic Constitution remains in tact and valid.

Every four years The US Printing Office reprints the organic Constitution, the Articles of Confederation, the Declaration of Independence and the Northwest Territorial Treaty. These four documents are the laws of the land or the foundation of all American law and can be researched at the US Printing Office.

9: Why was this “mission statement” published and taught by all government controlled public and parochial schools, as the one and only organic Constitution of America?

The purpose behind this decision and their procuring educational control, was to dumb down the American public and control what we are taught, know and believe using fraudulent information and various other constructive forms of propaganda through altered publications, the media, the press and movies.

The organic Constitution needed stricter controls but would have actually prevented the federal usurpation, propaganda, oppression, fraud, commercial slavery and theft that has occurred throughout the years. But Americans did not notice what was happening and placed far too much trust in their elected representatives.

In all fairness, we were a nation of immigrants and the bulk of our ancestors were illiterate. So it was actually quite easy for Congress to carry out this usurpation and conspiracy.

10: Up to the year 1871, why is it that out of the sixteen US Presidents, who had previously served, was Washington and Lincoln, the only US Presidents memorialized by the Congress?

The corrupt Washington and Lincoln’s administrations did the most to undermine the American Republic and further the goals of the private foreign corporate partnership and their commercial piracy of American labor and industry. That made Washington and Lincoln heroes in the eyes of Congress. The nobility regard the citizenry as slaves and we are conditioned to celebrate their beliefs, holidays and heroes.

How could this have happened, you ask? Certainly somebody should have caught on to this federal plot before now? Well they did, and all it took was a little government propaganda claiming these individuals were mentally ill, or drug dealers, or involved in a terrorist organization and plot to destroy this country. Once that it done the authorities use government agencies like the FBI to place these clear-seeing individuals into custody on false charges. Soon everyone stops paying attention to the message and evidence these patriots exposed.

Still don’t believe that this was all possible? Well, consider this: What is the first thing we do when a baby cries? We distract them with funny faces, baby talk, rocking or play peek-a-boo. When we discover the right distraction the baby stops crying. This is exactly how state and federal politicians “handle” us. The three best distractions they discovered are “fear, debt and war.” These traitors don’t do anything in a hurry because time is always on their side. Some of their plans have taken more than one hundred years to fulfill. Some will never be fulfilled. But even that has never deterred them.

The “Slave Question” And “Lincoln’s Election”

In 1871 the “slave question” and “Lincoln’s election” divided a nation. This division set the stage for conspirators to create a new private foreign corporation designed to
convert the federal government into a business
pirate America’s labor and industry.

The plan was to divert the public’s attention via a distraction consisting of fear, debt and war.

What happened

. the South seceded
. the federal government imploded
. martial law was imposed and Lincoln suddenly enjoyed dictatorial       power by and through “Executive Privilege.” [Sounds a lot like             today, doesn’t it.]
. Fort Sumter was attacked
. War was declared. Patriotism and prejudice was force fed the               American public.

. Fear, debt and war created hardship for the Republic while commerce flourished and filled the pockets of politicians and the European royal and elite owners of the Virginia Colony Corporation.

. During all this distraction the private foreign corporation called United States of America was created and filed. The organic Constitution was copied as a corporate “mission statement,” absent Article XIII. Both replace the Municipal Charter for the District of Columbia. All that remained was to destroy all copies and references to the organic 13th Amendment and then convince the American public that this fraudulent rewrite was the one and only Constitution of the United States of America.

This devious example became a paradigm for all future historic events.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Well done. An eye-opener for me. And this is just the beginning. When most of the American people realize what has been done to them, it will get interesting.

Anonymous said...

Lincoln was assassinated in 1865. How can we believe any of this if such elementary facts are ignored?

DCDubbs said...

The Civil War was an attempt by the European Elite to diminish the US dominance in the cotton industry, the slave labor allowed the Southern States to out produce the European cotton market appr. 3-1 in tonnage. So the Amendment to end slavery was in fact an attempt to reduce competition for the European cotton industry, it was just sold as a humanitarian effort. the Civil Rights Act of 1866 and the subsequent 14th Amendment just transferred the ownership of slaves from the private sector to the government.

So the European Elite not only wanted the Civil War to weaken the States, they wanted to have the States indebted to them. Nice gig. Lincoln incurred the wrath of the Bankers when he decided not to borrow their money to fight the civil war. The government then printed the greenbacks to the tune of 450M dollars of nondebt ladened currency(greenbacks, fiat money) to be retired after the war. The US government would have incurred huge debt to these bankers who want the government to always be in debt to them, it's just good "business". The Banks "fee" was 24-36%(interest). Part of their retaliation to Lincoln's snub was to counterfeit these greenbacks in England, and insert them into the US economy thereby causing huge inflation and a sore eye for future government issued commercial paper that interfered with the highly profitable commercial paper business of the European Elite.

Lincoln put a bullseye on his back by snubbing the bankers. A Canadian columnist wrote a fact finding article showing the connection between John Wilkes Booth and the Rothschild Banking cartel. The events of the assassination show the guard went 'missing" allowing access for Booth to shoot Lincoln. Contrary to today's belief, Booth escaped by a predetermined route.

There is so much more to the era of history, the facts are really mind boggling and the time needed to understand all the pieces fit together is substantial, but hopefully this tidbit helps you. Take care.

Anonymous said...

Dear Anonymous 11:35 pm:
I wrote and read this over 50 times to be certain of its accuracy. I even asked three of my friends to proof read it and none of us realized that I had placed an incorrect date under the section titled, "The Slave Question and Lincoln's Election." Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I humbly apologize for my error.

In my defense, I am old, handicapped with poor eyesight and sometimes my mind goes blank on me but I keep trying to do the right thing. Please forgive me. Warmest regards,
Judge Dale

Anonymous said...

thats if its shows up on the media

Anonymous said...

THIS is a great analysis of the TRUTH...

THANK YOU Retired JUDGE DALE...hope that you will consider running for office within our NEW REPUBLIC!!!