Monday, April 1, 2013


I fully agree with this..People have asked for their help and we got none. So lets' see which one lands first. I hope for their sake it is the good ones and not the pretend good ones either.
Posted By: Lion [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 31-Mar-2013 21:08:24
Thanks, D
Re: Reader BB: 'A large ship containing a self....
Hi Lion,
I second your comments wholeheartedly!!
How can it be said that We have free will when the reptilian psychopaths have the free will to enslave humanity and destroy all lifeforms!!??
Now baby sea lions are dying and washing up on the shore as well as manatees,turtles, dolphins, porpoise, whales.... and on and on.
Thanks to Corexit, radiation, oilspills, chemtrails, and other toxins, all life forms in the sea and on land are dying and the "benevolent beings" haven't seen fit to help us to exercise our free will to take back our planet from these evil demons??!!
They say we must ask for their help - well those of us that know have been pleading for help for our fellowman and Mother Earth and all her life forms forever, it seems!!
It is said that their technology could clean up the air and water in no time.
Well, if all the lifeforms are dead and dying, what is the benefit in that??!!
Get with the program or else go watch some other dead and dying planet, because we don't need you sitting next to Venus and sending orbs, and smaller ships to watch the devastation down here!! SHAPE UP OR SHIP OUT!!

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